Teens are often highly resistant to addressing an addiction. Many aren’t able to recognize the negative effects of addiction on their attitudes, emotions, and behaviors even when these effects are clearly evident to their parents. As you might expect, this mis-match in perception between teens and parents can make treatment very difficult.
To meet the unique needs of teens, Plan Your Recovery uses a family-focused, contingency management program that scaffolds the teen's motivation throughout the treatment process. This approach helps parents set strategic, non-reactive boundaries with teens and tolerate teens' initial and periodic pushback against these boundaries. Plan Your Recovery therapists help teens collaborate with their parents to identify incentives that will motivate compliance with the plan and help them replace addictive rewards with healthier alternatives.
Over time, teens who respond to this approach come to find sobriety rewarding not only for the incentives but because they experience increased self-efficacy, self-esteem, and academic and social success.